Monday, September 06, 2004

^MaGiC cHoCoLaTe CoRnFlAkEs (LoVe MaGiC)^

cocoa powder
salad oil

UtEnSiLs NeeDeD:
plate (big)
metal bowl (can be fitted into pot)
aluminium foil

tHiNgS (magic):
water blue ribbon
red ribbon

1.boil water in the pot but the water should not be to full about one-third full to half full is enough.
2.put chocolate and butter into metal bowl the metal bowl (chocolate and butter in it)into pot.
4.wait until butter and chocolate is melt.stir and mix.
5.then add in the cornflakes(all cornflake should be covered with chocolate)
6.tie ribbon(either blue and red together or red only)onto the spoon.
^blue and red ribbon together is for those who already have someone you like^
^red only is for those who don have some one you like^
7.use spoon(with ribbon tied) scoop by scoop place the mixture onto plate covered with aluminium foil and oil with salad oil.while scooping think of the person you like or wanted to like. the plate aside wait till it cools and soildify.
9.hold your spoon (with ribbon tied) cicle around the plate clockwise saying to yourself what you want
10.then put the plate into the fridge.for a few hours or more.
11.before eating it sprinkle cocoa powder on top of the finishing pieces.

*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|3:43 AM|

Friday, June 18, 2004

^a ChArM tO bRiNg BaCk StRaY LoVeR^

1.prepare 5 new red candle arrange in a circle.
2.smear each candle with honey and dust them with sugar and cinnamon powder.
3.light the candle.
4.carefully place the photograph of your stray lover in the middle of the circle. the name of the truant lover exactly 109 times as the candles burn.
6.visualize him or her returning to you with both an open heart and open arms.
7.allow the candle to burn away to nothing. this time, the photograph should be wrapped in a red cloth and placed beneath the bed.

*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|6:12 AM|

Thursday, June 17, 2004

^tHe DrEaM cOmE tRuE LuCkY sPeLL^

1. prepare a water basin filled with water, put in a new red candle and light it.
2. let the wax of the candle drip into the water.
3. collect 12 wax that is on the water surface, keep it well, then your wish will come true.
4. when your dream have come true, remember to bury those wax.


*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|5:35 AM|

Monday, June 07, 2004

^tHe cRaFt Of sPeLLs^

sPeLLs are highly creative mini rituals which make use of items found in nature and the materials world such as herbs, crystal, oils, candles and flowers.

*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|8:19 AM|


Since the earliest days of the earthly existence of human beings ordinary people have perfomed acts of magic to keep their lives running smoothly.Spells benefit the user by attracting love, warding away negativity, averting disaster, improving finaces, protecting the self and loved ones from harm.

*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|8:06 AM|


Spellcraft is to bring magic to your life and reality to your desires.....

*[[ The magic within... ]]*
|7:18 AM|

the one
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